Neshama DreamWork - Jewish Dream Technology
Online Seminar - 5 Weekly Sessions - Starting March 1st Gain tools to change your sleeping - and waking - reality! - Learn to become conscious in your dreams - Uncover your deepest gifts & highest calling - Dissolve your nightmares & heal your fears - Receive higher Messages & Insights Dates: Weekly on Sunday evenings 20:00-22:00 (Israel time) 13:00-15:00 (EST). Sundays March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd to March 29th, 2020 Cost for 5 Weekly 2-hour Sessions: $226.00 Sign up today! - Order here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/neshama-dreamwork-tickets-94610595839?fbclid=IwAR2tP6DL0SC25FOjov3gcZmEPg2z0TbCWcJLzLfnhy3xsF6oGbW8WNjmDMI |
The Talmud shares that dreams are 1/60th of prophecy. The Zohar aptly tells us, "At night, all things return to their original root and source." In 1800, the Gaon of Vilna said clearly that sleep exists for the sole purpose of conveying the mysteries of the cosmos through the vehicle of dreams. - Our tradition is rich with dream wisdom...Here we put it to use!
The following is a succinct download of the 5 Paths of Neshama Jewish Dream Technology that I have culled from the Jewish treasure troves. This technology uses the Kabbalistic 5 Levels of Soul & permutations of the hebrew word chalom חֲלוֹם dream:
1. Nefesh: Physical - Learn to use Halom/dreams to move from Holim/Sickness to החלמה Hahlama/healing. Jewish Dream Incubation. Practical tools for remembering, elevating and activating the messages of our dreams. (Jacob's ladder dream)
2. Ruach: Emotions - Learn to use dreams to move from מלחמה milchama/war to החלמה healing. Technique of becoming conscious in our dreams and battling our inner and outer enemies - transforming nightmares into opportunities. Practical tools to learn to resolve conflict and heal self and others. Access the unconscious. (Jacob's battling his enemy & receiving the blessing)
3. Neshama: Intellect - Mastering Jewish Dream Interpretation - the Joseph Model. Plus use dreams to access מחול Machol/the circle dance of Creative break-throughs. Access the collective unconscious. (Jacob's dream discovering how to breed sheep & generate wealth.)
4. Chaya: Spirit - Accessing Superconscious - Using dream to access psychic material and higher wisdom. Achlama אַחְלָמָה is the gemstone amethyst on the priestly breast-plate which gave over divine messages. In this level, learn to travel in dreams, encounter other souls, receive messages and even see upcoming events.
5. Yechida: Beyond self - Godly Root - This is where we can start to access ruach hakodesh/divine inspiration and become a physical vessel for highest spiritual service. חלמ means ultimate strength – our purpose on earth as the union of godliness in physical form…Dreams offer us the opportunity to move from conscious mind to subconscious and finally to the highest superconscious. All via the practice of strengthening our soul within our body.
These seemingly miraculous and supernatural experiences are very hard to access in the daylight hours. But in our dream consciousness we have unprecedented opportunities to access our highest self and uncommon powers. Our dreams are a playground of exploration, personal growth, healing and ultimately highest service. Come learn how to dream bigger and deeper and let it change your waking life!
The Talmud shares that dreams are 1/60th of prophecy. The Zohar aptly tells us, "At night, all things return to their original root and source." In 1800, the Gaon of Vilna said clearly that sleep exists for the sole purpose of conveying the mysteries of the cosmos through the vehicle of dreams. - Our tradition is rich with dream wisdom...Here we put it to use!
The following is a succinct download of the 5 Paths of Neshama Jewish Dream Technology that I have culled from the Jewish treasure troves. This technology uses the Kabbalistic 5 Levels of Soul & permutations of the hebrew word chalom חֲלוֹם dream:
1. Nefesh: Physical - Learn to use Halom/dreams to move from Holim/Sickness to החלמה Hahlama/healing. Jewish Dream Incubation. Practical tools for remembering, elevating and activating the messages of our dreams. (Jacob's ladder dream)
2. Ruach: Emotions - Learn to use dreams to move from מלחמה milchama/war to החלמה healing. Technique of becoming conscious in our dreams and battling our inner and outer enemies - transforming nightmares into opportunities. Practical tools to learn to resolve conflict and heal self and others. Access the unconscious. (Jacob's battling his enemy & receiving the blessing)
3. Neshama: Intellect - Mastering Jewish Dream Interpretation - the Joseph Model. Plus use dreams to access מחול Machol/the circle dance of Creative break-throughs. Access the collective unconscious. (Jacob's dream discovering how to breed sheep & generate wealth.)
4. Chaya: Spirit - Accessing Superconscious - Using dream to access psychic material and higher wisdom. Achlama אַחְלָמָה is the gemstone amethyst on the priestly breast-plate which gave over divine messages. In this level, learn to travel in dreams, encounter other souls, receive messages and even see upcoming events.
5. Yechida: Beyond self - Godly Root - This is where we can start to access ruach hakodesh/divine inspiration and become a physical vessel for highest spiritual service. חלמ means ultimate strength – our purpose on earth as the union of godliness in physical form…Dreams offer us the opportunity to move from conscious mind to subconscious and finally to the highest superconscious. All via the practice of strengthening our soul within our body.
These seemingly miraculous and supernatural experiences are very hard to access in the daylight hours. But in our dream consciousness we have unprecedented opportunities to access our highest self and uncommon powers. Our dreams are a playground of exploration, personal growth, healing and ultimately highest service. Come learn how to dream bigger and deeper and let it change your waking life!